Madrid, Spain • Founded in 1976 • Trust Project news partner since
El País is a print and online Spanish daily newspaper covering international breaking news and local stories.
In addition to covering national and international breaking news, the publication also covers news on the economy, politics, sports, culture, society and technology in Spain.
El País aims to present daily, accurate information that is complete, current and of interest to its readers. The publication considers itself as a defender of democracy according to liberal and social principles, and strives to uphold the democratic and legal order established in the Spanish Constitution.
El País defines itself as an independent, general information platform presenting accurate and current information to its audience. The publication's journalists are expected to convey news to readers independently of their personal opinions. Information and opinion will be clearly differentiated from each other.
El País is owned by Grupo PRISA, a publicly traded company whose shares are listed on four Spanish stock exchanges.
El País aims to offer equality of opportunities for people of different races, gender, sexual identities and creeds. The policy states that during selection, hiring and promotion processes, objective policies and procedures are followed with the absence of any discrimination.
El País commits to correcting errors in its news content as quickly and clearly as possible. As soon as the newspaper is made aware of an error, it is expected to be corrected and attributed to the appropriate story, regardless of when the story was published.
When sources demand anonymity, El País journalists are expected to keep their identity hidden. The policy states that anonymity is only granted to sources under exceptional circumstances, such as risk of losing one's honor, professional standing or prestige. Requests for anonymity must be approved by the publication's director. The director will know who the source is, and commit to keeping their identity concealed.
The Trust Project is an international consortium of news organizations building standards of transparency and working with technology platforms to affirm and amplify journalism’s commitment to transparency, accuracy, inclusion and fairness so that the public can make informed news choices. It was founded and is led by award-winning journalist Sally Lehrman.
Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist, was our original funder, through the Trustworthy Journalism Initiative of Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Google followed with their financial support. Our funders also have included Democracy Fund, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Facebook. Funders. Trust Project policies and the Trust Indicators are shaped and enforced independently from our funding sources.