Voice of OC

Voice of OC

Santa Ana, California, United StatesFounded in 2009Trust Project news partner since

Voice of OC is an award-winning nonprofit digital newsroom focused on investigative reporting and daily coverage of civics, quality of life and arts issues in Orange County, California.

Founded in 2009, the Voice of OC was created in response to what it saw as coverage gaps left by the decline of traditional print and broadcast news organizations. The nonprofit digital newsroom aims to reinvigorate news coverage and investigative journalism on local issues. The Voice of OC's journalism is intensively focused on community arts and culture by examining whether management is in line with national diversity trends and the deal-making with arts venues. Coverage topics can include the future of the Orange County fairgrounds, stadium and convention center expansions, public pensions, and government whistleblowers and outsourcing. It first published content on its website on March 31, 2010. The Voice of OC is guided by a board of directors. The organization describes itself as nonpartisan. 

Voice of OC

Best Practices Policies

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The Voice of OC's mission is to inform and empower communities with news that is essential in the Orange County area 

See the Policy


The Voice of OC says it is committed to accurate news that is independent, nonpartisan, communal and transparent. The platform strives to maintain ethics through proper labeling, acknowledging mistakes and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Ownership & Funding

Voice of OC is a nonprofit media platform that is guided by a board of directors.

Diverse Voices

The Voice of OC says it respects the intersections of race, class, generation, gender and geography that impact point of view. The organization seeks diverse voices for its staff, and is interested in hearing the diverse voices in the communities it serves. 


When an error is reported, the policy states it will be investigated and corrected on the platform as quickly as possible. Errors are reported to admin@voiceofoc.org or nsantana@voiceofoc.org.

Unnamed Sources

The Voice of OC's policy is to reserve anonymity only for sources who face danger, retribution or other harm, and who have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. When an anonymous source is used, the audience is given an explanation of why anonymity was granted. 

The Trust Project

The Trust Project is an international consortium of news organizations building standards of transparency and working with technology platforms to affirm and amplify journalism’s commitment to transparency, accuracy, inclusion and fairness so that the public can make informed news choices. It was founded and is led by award-winning journalist Sally Lehrman.

Our Funders

Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist, was our original funder, through the Trustworthy Journalism Initiative of Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Google followed with their financial support. Our funders also have included Democracy Fund, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Facebook. Funders. Trust Project policies and the Trust Indicators are shaped and enforced independently from our funding sources.

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